Source code for pyhandle.handleexceptions

This module contains the exceptions that may occur in
libraries interacting with the Handle System.

Author: Merret Buurman (DKRZ), 2015-2016

from __future__ import absolute_import
import json
import re
from .util import add_missing_optional_args_with_value_none

[docs]class BrokenHandleRecordException(Exception): def __init__(self, **args): # Default message: self.msg = 'Ill-formatted handle record' # Possible arguments: optional_args = ['msg', 'handle'] add_missing_optional_args_with_value_none(args, optional_args) self.handle = args['handle'] self.custom_message = args['msg'] if self.custom_message is not None: self.msg += ': '+self.custom_message self.msg += '.' if self.handle is not None: self.msg += '\n\tHandle: '+self.handle super(self.__class__, self).__init__(self.msg)
[docs]class IllegalOperationException(Exception): ''' To be raised when the user tries to create a HS_ADMIN self.handle, when he wants to create or remove 10320/loc entries using the wrong method, ... ''' def __init__(self, **args): # Default message: self.msg = "Illegal Operation" # Possible arguments: optional_args = ['msg', 'handle', 'operation'] add_missing_optional_args_with_value_none(args, optional_args) self.handle = args['handle'] self.custom_message = args['msg'] self.operation = args['operation'] if self.operation is not None: self.msg += ' ('+self.operation+')' if self.handle is not None: self.msg += ' on handle '+self.handle if self.custom_message is not None: self.msg += ': ' + self.custom_message self.msg += '.' super(self.__class__, self).__init__(self.msg)
[docs]class GenericHandleError(Exception): ''' To be raised when the Handle Server returned an unexpected status code that does not map to any other specific exception. ''' def __init__(self,**args): # Default message: self.msg = 'Error during interaction with Handle Server' # Possible arguments: optional_args = ['msg', 'handle','response', 'payload', 'operation'] add_missing_optional_args_with_value_none(args, optional_args) self.handle = args['handle'] self.custom_message = args['msg'] self.response = args['response'] self.operation = args['operation'] self.payload = args['payload'] if self.operation is not None: self.msg += ' ('+self.operation+')' if self.custom_message is not None: self.msg += ': '+self.custom_message self.msg += '.' if self.handle is not None: self.msg += '\n\tHandle: '+self.handle if self.response is not None: self.msg += '\n\tURL: '+str(self.response.request.url) self.msg += '\n\tHTTP Status Code: '+str(self.response.status_code) self.msg += '\n\tResponse: '+str(self.response.content) if self.payload is not None: self.msg += '\n\tPayload: '+self.payload super(self.__class__, self).__init__(self.msg)
[docs]class ReverseLookupException(Exception): ''' To be raised if the reverse lookup servlet returns an error. ''' def __init__(self, **args): # Default message: self.msg = 'Error during Reverse Lookup' # Possible arguments: optional_args = ['msg', 'query','response'] add_missing_optional_args_with_value_none(args, optional_args) self.query = args['query'] self.custom_message = args['msg'] self.response = args['response'] if self.custom_message is not None: self.msg += ': '+self.custom_message self.msg += '.' if self.query is not None: self.msg += '\n\tQuery: '+self.query if self.response is not None: pat = re.compile('>[\s]+<') responsecontent_less_whitespace = pat.sub('><', str(self.response.content)) self.msg += '\n\tURL: '+str(self.response.request.url) self.msg += '\n\tHTTP Status Code: '+str(self.response.status_code) self.msg += '\n\tResponse: '+responsecontent_less_whitespace super(self.__class__, self).__init__(self.msg)
[docs]class HandleNotFoundException(Exception): ''' To be raised if the self.handle was not found on the Handle Server. ''' def __init__(self, **args): # Default message: self.msg ='Handle not found on server' # Possible arguments: optional_args = ['msg', 'handle','response'] add_missing_optional_args_with_value_none(args, optional_args) self.handle = args['handle'] self.custom_message = args['msg'] self.response = args['response'] if self.handle is not None: self.msg = self.msg.replace('andle', 'andle '+self.handle) if self.custom_message is not None: self.msg += ': '+self.custom_message self.msg += '.' if self.response is not None: self.msg += '\n\tURL: '+str(self.response.request.url) self.msg += '\n\tHTTP Status Code: '+str(self.response.status_code) self.msg += '\n\tResponse: '+str(self.response.content) super(self.__class__, self).__init__(self.msg)
[docs]class HandleSyntaxError(Exception): ''' To be raised if the Handle does not have correct syntax. ''' def __init__(self, **args): # Default message: self.msg = 'Handle does not have expected syntax' # Possible arguments: optional_args = ['msg', 'handle','expected_syntax'] add_missing_optional_args_with_value_none(args, optional_args) self.handle = args['handle'] self.custom_message = args['msg'] self.expected_syntax = args['expected_syntax'] if self.handle is not None: self.msg = self.msg.replace('andle', 'andle '+self.handle) if self.custom_message is not None: self.msg += ': '+self.custom_message self.msg += '.' if self.expected_syntax is not None: self.msg += '\n\tExpected: '+self.expected_syntax super(self.__class__, self).__init__(self.msg)
[docs]class HandleAlreadyExistsException(Exception): ''' To be raised if self.handle already exists. ''' def __init__(self, **args): # Default message: self.msg = 'Handle already exists' # Possible arguments: optional_args = ['msg', 'handle'] add_missing_optional_args_with_value_none(args, optional_args) self.handle = args['handle'] self.custom_message = args['msg'] if self.handle is not None: self.msg = self.msg.replace('andle', 'andle '+self.handle) if self.custom_message is not None: self.msg += ': '+self.custom_message self.msg += '.' super(self.__class__, self).__init__(self.msg)
[docs]class HandleAuthenticationError(Exception): ''' To be raised if authentication failed, if there was no write permission for creating, modifying, deleting. ''' def __init__(self, **args): # Default message: self.msg = 'Insufficient permission' # Possible arguments: optional_args = ['msg', 'handle', 'operation', 'response', 'username'] add_missing_optional_args_with_value_none(args, optional_args) self.handle = args['handle'] self.custom_message = args['msg'] self.operation = args['operation'] self.response = args['response'] self.username = args['username'] if self.operation is not None: self.msg += ' for '+self.operation if self.custom_message is not None: self.msg += ': '+self.custom_message self.msg += '.' if self.handle is not None: self.msg += '\n\tHandle: '+self.handle if self.username is not None: self.msg += '\n\tUsername: '+self.username if self.response is not None: self.msg += '\n\tURL: '+str(self.response.request.url) self.msg += '\n\tHTTP Status Code: '+str(self.response.status_code) self.msg += '\n\tResponse: '+str(self.response.content) super(self.__class__, self).__init__(self.msg)
[docs]class CredentialsFormatError(Exception): ''' To be raised if credentials are ill-formatted or miss essential items.''' def __init__(self, **args): # Default message: self.msg = 'Problem with credentials' # Possible arguments: optional_args = ['msg'] add_missing_optional_args_with_value_none(args, optional_args) self.custom_message = args['msg'] if self.custom_message is not None: self.msg += ': '+self.custom_message self.msg += '.' super(self.__class__, self).__init__(self.msg)