Source code for pyhandle.utilhandle

This module provides some handle-related functions
that are needed across various modules of the
pyhandle library.
from __future__ import absolute_import
import base64
from future.standard_library import install_aliases
from urllib.parse import quote
from . import handleexceptions
from . import util

[docs]def remove_index_from_handle(handle_with_index): ''' Returns index and handle separately, in a tuple. :handle_with_index: The handle string with an index (e.g. 500:prefix/suffix) :return: index and handle as a tuple, where index is integer. ''' split = handle_with_index.split(':') if len(split) == 2: split[0] = int(split[0]) return split elif len(split) == 1: return (None, handle_with_index) elif len(split) > 2: raise handleexceptions.HandleSyntaxError( msg='Too many colons', handle=handle_with_index, expected_syntax='index:prefix/suffix')
[docs]def check_handle_syntax(string): ''' Checks the syntax of a handle without an index (are prefix and suffix there, are there too many slashes?). :string: The handle without index, as string prefix/suffix. :raise: :exc:`~pyhandle.handleexceptions.handleexceptions.HandleSyntaxError` :return: True. If it's not ok, exceptions are raised. ''' expected = 'prefix/suffix' try: arr = string.split('/') except AttributeError: raise handleexceptions.HandleSyntaxError(msg='The provided handle is None', expected_syntax=expected) if len(arr) < 2: msg = 'No slash' raise handleexceptions.HandleSyntaxError(msg=msg, handle=string, expected_syntax=expected) if len(arr[0]) == 0: msg = 'Empty prefix' raise handleexceptions.HandleSyntaxError(msg=msg, handle=string, expected_syntax=expected) if len(arr[1]) == 0: msg = 'Empty suffix' raise handleexceptions.HandleSyntaxError(msg=msg, handle=string, expected_syntax=expected) if ':' in string: if string.startswith('hdl:'): # Fixing # TODO: Note: What about DOIs? -> Fixed in a different PR # Note of caution: Handle Server won't accept REST API calls with hdl: prepended. # It will respond with HTTP Status Code 400 and Response: {"responseCode":301, # "message":"That prefix doesn't live here","handle":"hdl:21.14106/TESTTESTTEST"} # The problem is prevented by removing any hdl: or doi: right before making the request. return True else: check_handle_syntax_with_index(string, base_already_checked=True) # TODO: Actually this is not a handle, but refers to a field inside a handle record, so # to be strict, we should not accept this. return True
[docs]def check_handle_syntax_with_index(string, base_already_checked=False): ''' Checks the syntax of a handle with an index (is index there, is it an integer?), and of the handle itself. :string: The handle with index, as string index:prefix/suffix. :raise: :exc:`~pyhandle.handleexceptions.handleexceptions.HandleSyntaxError` :return: True. If it's not ok, exceptions are raised. ''' expected = 'index:prefix/suffix' try: arr = string.split(':') except AttributeError: raise handleexceptions.HandleSyntaxError(msg='The provided handle is None.', expected_syntax=expected) if len(arr) > 2: msg = 'Too many colons' raise handleexceptions.HandleSyntaxError(msg=msg, handle=string, expected_syntax=expected) elif len(arr) < 2: msg = 'No colon' raise handleexceptions.HandleSyntaxError(msg=msg, handle=string, expected_syntax=expected) try: int(arr[0]) except ValueError: if arr[0] == 'hdl:': msg = 'Handle string starts with "hdl:", not with an index.' raise handleexceptions.HandleSyntaxError(msg=msg, handle=string, expected_syntax=expected) else: msg = 'Index is not an integer' raise handleexceptions.HandleSyntaxError(msg=msg, handle=string, expected_syntax=expected) if not base_already_checked: check_handle_syntax(string) return True
[docs]def create_authentication_string(username, password): ''' Creates an authentication string from the username and password. :username: Username. :password: Password. :return: The encoded string. ''' username_utf8 = username.encode('utf-8') userpw_utf8 = password.encode('utf-8').decode('utf-8') username_perc = quote(username_utf8) authinfostring = username_perc + ':' + userpw_utf8 authinfostring_base64 = base64.b64encode(authinfostring.encode('utf-8')).decode('utf-8') return authinfostring_base64
[docs]def make_request_log_message(**args): ''' Creates a string containing all relevant information about a request made to the Handle System, for logging purposes. :handle: The handle that the request is about. :url: The url the request is sent to. :headers: The headers sent along with the request. :verify: Boolean parameter passed to the requests module (https verification). :resp: The request's response. :op: The library operation during which the request was sent. :payload: Optional. The payload sent with the request. :return: A formatted string. ''' mandatory_args = ['op', 'handle', 'url', 'headers', 'verify', 'resp'] optional_args = ['payload'] util.check_presence_of_mandatory_args(args, mandatory_args) util.add_missing_optional_args_with_value_none(args, optional_args) space = '\n ' message = '' message += '\n'+args['op']+' '+args['handle'] message += space+'URL: '+args['url'] message += space+'HEADERS: '+str(args['headers']) message += space+'VERIFY: '+str(args['verify']) if 'payload' in args.keys(): message += space+'PAYLOAD:'+space+str(args['payload']) message += space+'RESPONSECODE: '+str(args['resp'].status_code) message += space+'RESPONSE:'+space+str(args['resp'].content) return message